Addison County | Bennington County | Caledonia County | Chittenden County | Essex County | Franklin County | Grand Isle County | Lamoille County | Orange County | Orleans County | Rutland County | Washington County | Windham County | Windsor County TOP
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Addison | Starr Phillips | 759-2421 | | Details Call Starr beforehand to pick up bags. Drop off full bags behind the Addison Baptist Church. There will be a Town dump truck parked there, all weekend from Friday evening to Monday early morning. |
Bridport | Julie Howlett | 758-2483 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Please bring full bags back to the trucks parked at the Town Clerk’s office. |
Bristol | Carolyn Dash | 881-7341 | | Details Pick-up bags during the week before at the Town Office or on the Town Green the morning of Green-Up Day. Please leave your full green bags along public roadsides no later than dusk on Sunday for the road crew. |
Cornwall | Susan Johnson Kristin Bolton | 462-2775 | | Details Bring full Green Up bags and other roadside trash to the Cornwall School, where the town trucks will be parked from Friday evening to Sunday midday. Do not leave bags along roadsides. Thank you for Greening Up Cornwall! |
Ferrisburgh | Deb Healey | 475-2944 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s Office prior to and at the Ferrisburgh Central School from 9-10am on Green Up Day. Drop off bags across from the Town Garage from 10am-4pm on Green Up Day only. Drop off site will be monitored. |
Goshen | Dave Sabatini | 247-6350 | | Details Green Up Day BBQ for all volunteers 12-2pm. Leave bags along roadsides for pick up. |
Granville | Cheryl Sargeant | 767-4403 | | Details Volunteers should check-in at the Moss Glen Grange Hall. Bags and items collected should be brought to the same location for collection by our local solid waste contractor. |
Hancock | Stacey Peters | 770-0727 | | Details Green Up Day bags and gloves will be ready for contact-free pickup at 8am in front of Town Hall. |
Leicester | Diane Benware | 247-3786 | | Details We encourage pellet stove owners to reuse their pellet bags for Green Up Day. Leave bags on roadsides or bring to Town Garage on Fern Lake Rd. Cookout and raffle with prizes. |
Lincoln | Town Clerk | | Details Watch our Front Porch Forum for specific Green Up Day details. | |
Middlebury | Liam Hickey Jackson Moody Elizabeth White | 477-3247 | | Details Bags available the Town Clerk’s office. Filled bags can be dropped off 10-3 at town trucks located at the park across from Twilight on Academy St. and at the Town Public Works building on Route 7. |
Monkton | Deb Gaynor | 425-2178 | | Details Bags will be available at the Town Hall and Library the week before Green Up Day. Pick up bags at the Town Hall between 8am and 1pm. Green bags can be left on the roadsides or dropped off at the Town Garage. Thank you! |
New Haven | Suzy Roorda | 453-5978 | | Details Bags will be available for pick up at the New Haven Town Office/Library from 9AM-12PM. Please leave full bags along roadsides for the town crew to pick up on the Monday following Green Up Day. |
Orwell | Cindy Watrous Barbara Young | 948-2751 948-2537 | | Details Pick up bags at the Town Clerk’s office, Buxton’s and Orwell Gas & Co. prior to Green Up Day. Town crew will go around and pick full bags up on roadsides. |
Panton | Louise Giovanella Paula Moore | 349-0347 989-4632 | | Details Pick up bags at 1480 Hopkins Road. Bring full bags to the Town Garage or leave at the roadside in a place that is safe for pickup by the road crew. |
Ripton | Steve Zwicky Bryan Waters | 388-2301 342-8514 | | Details Pick up bags at Town Office, Ripton Country Store, or the town shed on Green Up Day. Drop off bags through the following Saturday at town shed. Food at Town Shed on Green Up Day 11am-12pm. |
Salisbury | Christine Turner | 352-4778 | | Details Bags and pick up routes will be distributed early to early bird email list beginning April 19. Remaining routes and bags distributed on Green Up Day, May 4th at Kampersville Store, Route 53, between 8-10 am. Filled Green Up Bags can be left on main roads and will be picked up Green Up Day by 3 pm by volunteer truck drivers. All bags will be counted and deposited in a town truck at the Town Highway Shed on Upper Plains Rd, not the Transfer Station. If bags are brought in by residents a tally slip must be filled out. |
Shoreham | Pauline Stevens | 897-7031 | | Details Bags can be picked up during normal business hours at the Halfway House Restaurant, Platt Memorial Library, Shoreham Elementary School, Golden Russet Farm, Champlain Orchards, the Shoreham Post Office, town clerk’s office, and Saturday morning at recycling. Filled bags can be dropped off at the fire station starting on May 4th, through May 10th at noon. Volunteers will be available from 8am-noon on Green Up Day to help you unload your bags and give out coupons for goodies donated by local businesses. **Please do not leave bags on the roadside- thank you! Refreshments and energy committee info available at the church in the morning. |
Starksboro | Becky Trombley | 453-7350 H 377-0787 C | | Details The week prior to Green Up Day, bags and gloves will be available at the Town Clerk’s Office, Starksboro Public Library, and the Jerusalem Store. On May 4th, Green Up Day trash may be dropped off at the Town Garage between the hours of 9am and 3pm. |
Vergennes | Lowell Bertrand | 458-1052 | | Details Bags available a few days before Green Up Day at City Hall or on Green Up Day from 7am-12pm at City Park. Volunteers are asked to leave bags near intersections of city streets. |
Waltham | Waltham Town Office Linda Devino, Cookie Steponaitis | 877-3641 | | Details Bags available at the Town Hall. Please bring full bags back to Town Hall. |
Weybridge | Peggy Lyons | 545-5966 | | Details Green Up bags, sign up map, and information are available at the Town Recycling Center prior to Green Up Day. Collected items can be left on roadsides to be picked up by the town road crew. |
Whiting | Rebecca Bertrand | 349-9468 | | Details Bags available at the town hall. Folks can call me with questions and route assignments 349-9468. Leave full bags along roadsides. Ice cream social after at the town hall at 1:00 on Green Up Day. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Arlington | Robin Wilcox | 375-2332 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Leave full bags along roadsides for pick up. |
Bennington | Lundgren Subaru 527 N. Bennington Rd. Heather Pauquette | 518-260-2392 | | Details Green Up bags available at Bennington Subaru. Refreshments provided for all volunteers! |
Bennington | Linda Bermudez | 442-1037 | | Details Bags will be available at the Town Office. Please contact the Bennington Town Office to let us know the location of where you will be cleaning up, as this will help us facilitate the collection of bags left on roadsides. |
Dorset | John Lareau Kim Rizio | 362-5231 867-5717 x147 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Landgrove | Sarah and Will Reed | 376-4455 | | Details Gather at Town Hall at 9am on the First Saturday in May to get road assignments, bags and donuts. Collected trash can be brought to Town Hall or left on roadsides. |
Manchester | Bill Drunsic | 362-1513 | | Details Meet at VFW Green Up Day morning for bags and assignments. Leave full bags on roadsides. |
Peru | Peru Town Office | 824-3065 | | Details Refreshments for volunteers, pick up bags at Town Center (Tues & Thur 8:30-4). Drop off in Town Center parking lot. Call for assignments. |
Pownal | Tom Shuey | 379-1470 | | Details Pick up bags at Town Clerk’s office or Transfer Station. Drop off at Transfer Station 8-4 on Green Up Day. |
Readsboro | Jody Berard-Kemp | 423-5223 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Gazebo from 9am-1pm on Green Up Day, refreshments provided by American Legion. Let Jody know where you will be cleaning up and she will make sure bags get picked up. If done on a different day bring bags to the Bandstand. |
Rupert & West Rupert | Town Offices | 394-7848 | | Details West Rupert and Rupert towns meet at the Fire House located on Route 153 @ 9am. Green Up bags, coffee, gloves, bug spray, sunscreen and bottled water are available to all volunteers. Road assignments are given out, and everyone is on their own to clean up. All bags must be delivered back to the Fire House and loaded onto the provided town dump truck. If bags are too heavy, or questionable items are found, coordinators are to be notified, and pick up of those items will be done by coordinator or a town official. Usually we end Green Up at 12:00 noon, but families are welcome to continue throughout the remainder of the weekend. The dump truck is removed by Sunday evening. Thank you. |
Sandgate | Karen Tendrup Sandra Reidy | 375-6058 375-9075 | | Details Green Up bags available at Town Meeting in March and at Town Clerk’s Office, during the week prior to Green Up Day. Leave bags on roadsides for pick up. |
Searsburg | Tammy Hollister | 380-0602 | | Details Green Up bags available at Town Clerk’s Office. Leave bags along roadsides. |
Shaftsbury | David Kieman | 442-4038, x3 | | Details Green Up bags available at Town Offices, Cole Hall, and 61 Buck Road. Bring full bags back to the Town Office dumpster on Green Up Day, the Landfill, or leave bags along roadsides. |
Stamford | Town Clerk | 694-1316 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring full bags to the sign-in location or to the Recycling Center. |
Sunderland | Jeff Dexter | 430-7078 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring full bags to the Town Garage after. |
Winhall | Laura Gianotti | 342-7810 | | Details Cookout for all Green Up Day volunteers. Leave bags along roadsides. |
Woodford | Susan Wright | 442-4895 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Barnet | Dawn Holtz Linda Hunkins | 248-808-2439 802-633-4136 | | Details Green Up trash bags may be taken to the Barnet Transfer Station April 29th through May 13th with no charge. Alternatively, on May 4th you may bring collected bags to the Barnet Fire Station parking lot from 10am – 2pm and drop them off to the Green Up trailer for transport to the transfer station. Please fill out the data sheet provided at the transfer station with # of bags collected and the roads you collected from. Green Up bags are available at the Barnet, Passumpsic, and McIndoe Falls Post Offices, Barnet Public Library, McIndoe Falls Library, the Barnet Town Clerk’s Office, and the West Barnet Quick Stop. They go quick so be sure to grab a few soon – we just ask that you don’t take more bags than you can realistically collect – typically 1-3 bags is enough for a family. Picking up trash along the roads is hard work and oh! the aching back. Email me and let me know the strangest thing you collected along with a picture if possible! We share this info with GU VT; it’s always fun to see which town picks up the strangest item! Be sure to check for ticks and please stay safe and alert while on the roads. Lastly, a huge THANK YOU to all who get out there and help keep our town beautiful – you are truly appreciated! See you out there neighbor! |
Burke | Town Clerk | 467-3987 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s Office. Please bring full Green Up bags to our Recycling Center during regular operation hours and leave them with our trash hauler. You will not be charged for the bag. |
Danville | Sarah Stinson | 233-5825 | | Details Green Up bags are available outside the Danville Town Hall anytime. They will also be available at the Recycling Center on Saturday mornings, or find the Girl Scouts on the Green on April 29th (the weekend before Green Up Day), 11am to 1pm. You’ll get a homemade treat if you pick up a bag from the scouts on the Green! A sign-up sheet and map to show where you will be greening up will be available at bag pick-up. If you live in another town, please get in touch with your Green Up Town Coordinator for your local details. Bring filled bags to the Stump Dump on Green Up Day by 3pm! |
Groton | Alissa Smith | 584-3308 | | Details Bags can be picked up at either the Town Office or the Upper Valley Grill a couple of weeks before Green Up Day, along with sign up sheets. Please do not leave bags on the side of the road, instead they need to be dropped off next to the dumpster behind the Community Building. |
Hardwick | Jason Bahner | 272-3137 | | Details Contact Jason to get your Green Up bags. Drop off at the Town Garage on Creamery Road on Green Up Day from 9am – 1pm. |
Kirby | Tracy Sherbrook Mary Kay Wood | 535-5198 695-2216 | | Details Green Up bags can be picked up at the Town Office the week prior to Green Up Day during regular office hours. Filled bags drop off location is TBD. |
Lyndon | Nancy Blankenship | 626-5785 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags and sign up for routes at the Lyndon/Lyndonville Municipal Offices. Drop off full bags at Northeast Kingdom Waste Management District (NEKWMD) at 224 Church Street on Green Up Day from 9am-4pm. Please do not leave bags on roadsides as there is no roadside pickup. |
Newark | Giselle Chevallay | 793-6247 | | Details Green Up bags will be available the week prior at the Town Clerk’s office. On Green Up Day bags will be available at the Recycling Center. Bags can be left on roadsides. |
Peacham | Rose Dedam | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Office/Post Office. Full bags will be collected at the transfer station between 8am and 4pm. | |
Ryegate | Makayla Perkins | 584-4710 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Clerk’s office or at coordinator’s house. Drop off at Town Garage. |
St. Johnsbury | Saint J Subaru 664 Memorial Drive Michael Huntington | 748-2000 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Saint J Subaru. Bring bags back to Saint J Subaru or leave on roadsides and we will pick them up. Coffee, refreshments, and appreciation BBQ provided for all volunteers! |
St. Johnsbury | St. Johnsbury Town Energy Committee Pam Parker | 748-3926 | | |
Sheffield & Wheelock | Steve Amos | 626-5561 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office, Sheffield Transfer Station, and any of the posted warning bulletin board locations the week prior to Green Up Day. Full bags can be left along roadsides or brought to Transfer Station 8am-5pm on Green Up Day. |
Stannard | Regina Troiano Paula Harmond | 533-7712 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Office. Drop off there as well on Green Up Day, 9:30am to Noon. Lunch served at Noon. |
Sutton | Patrick Seymour | 467-8825 | | Details Meet at Town Hall 8-9am for coffee, bags and assignments. Bring full bags to the Transfer Station through Sunday. Potluck at Noon at Town Hall for volunteers. |
Walden | Walden Town Clerk | 563-2220 | | Details Green up bags can be picked up at Town Clerk’s Office and the Stop and Shop Store. Filled bags can be dropped off at the Walden Town Garage between 9 and 2 on May 4. |
Waterford | Robin Migdelany | 781-640-0337 | | Details Bags are available now at the town Clerk’s office and this Saturday at the transfer station. Bags will be available on Green Up at the Fire Station from 8 til noon. Any questions, call or email me. 781-640-0337 |
Wheelock | See Sheffield |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Bolton | Town Clerk | 434-5075 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s Office. Bring full bags to the Town Garage at 3530 Theodore Roosevelt Highway. |
Buel’s Gore | Maura McClure | 453-4430 | | Details Contact Maura for Green Up bags. Leave full bags along Route 17. |
Burlington | Deryk Roach, Parks & Recreation | 540-2544 863-0420 | | Details Visit the CEDO website for specific details about Burlington’s Green Up Day. Bags will be available at 7 different locations the week prior: Burlington Electric Dept., Burlington Subaru, City Hall (CEDO), Dept. of Public Works/Parks & Rec. Dept. Citizen Cider, Miller Center. On Green Up Day from 8am-12pm at St. Joseph’s School, Miller Center, Burlington Subaru or Salmon Hole Park. Leave bags along major roadsides. |
Burlington | Burlington Subaru 333 Shelburne Road Steve Kelson | 238-9641 | | Details Green Up bags available at Burlington Subaru. Refreshments provided for all volunteers! |
Charlotte | Kenneth Spencer Kim Findlay | 425-2100 999-3084 | | Details Details at: |
Colchester | Theresa Carroll Pam Loranger | | Details Green Up Day team will be at the Colchester Police Department on May 4 from 8am to noon to hand out bags and coordinate locations. People can email or | |
Essex Junction | Essex Junction Recreation & Parks – Ashley Snellenberger | 878-6944 | | Details Green Up Day bags may be picked up at the Essex Junction Recreation and Parks (EJRP), the Brownell Library, and the City Office at 2 Lincoln Street. EJRP and the City Offices are open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
Essex Town | Ally Vile | 878-1342 | | Details Green Up bags may be picked up before Green Up Day outside the office of Essex Rec. at 81 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Essex Jct.2 Monday-Friday between 8 am-4 pm. For more information please visit: |
Hinesburg | Phil Pouech | 482-2060 | | Details Pick up bags up to 10 days prior to Green Up Day at the Town Hall or Carpenter Carse Library. Check our Sign-up Genius website to see what roads are still open and then sign up the road section you plan to do. The link is on our town website. The Town Hall will be open on Green Up Day 8:30 am-2 pm to sign up and get bags. Leave full bags in a visible secure spot along roadsides or bring collected trash to the Town Garage next to CSWD Transfer Station on Sat. from 8:30am-3:30pm. Community lunch at Town Hall from 12-1pm on Green Up Day. |
Huntington | Heidi Racht | 434-2032 | | Details Get Green Up bags early and sign up for specific roads at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring bags to the Town Garage on Green Up Day 8:30am-1:30pm. Boy Scouts available to make assignments, pass out bags and help unload. Refreshments provided, courtesy of Huntington Selectboard. Coffee compliments of Beaudry’s Store. To learn more, visit |
Jericho | Jericho Conservation Committee | 899-4936, x1 | | Details 8:30 to 10 Saturday May 4th, Green Up Day breakfast, bring a dish to share, Community Center in Jericho Center 329 Browns Trace. Bags will be available at the breakfast. Bags are available now at Jericho Town Hall. Green up trash can be brought to the Jericho Town Garage, 510 Browns Trace between 10 and 2pm on Saturday May 4th (no early drop off please). Do not pick up propane tanks. Jericho road sign up Green up info on Jericho Town Website If you would like to be a co-coordinator for Green Up Day, contact Jessica at |
Milton | Recreation Director | 893-4922 | | Details Sign up for Green Up Day, check out the Green Up Map, and pick up free Green Up bags from the Milton Municipal Building lobby from April 26 through May 3, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Limit of 5 per household. Then, join us on Green Up Day, Saturday, May 4, at the Bombardier Park East pavilion from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM. The Milton Conservation Commission will be giving out free coffee, hot chocolate, and donuts, as well as trail brochures and extra Green Up bags. After you’re done Greening Up, leave the green bags by the roadside and the Milton Highway Department will collect the bags early Monday morning. |
Richmond | Linda Parent | 434-2221 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Office before Green Up Day. |
Shelburne | Diana Vachon | 985-5116 | | Details Green up bags available at the Town Clerk’s office, Shelburne Supermarket, and the Library. Filled bags should be left in the town dump truck at Turtle Lane 7am-3pm on Green Up Day, please do not leave bags on roadsides. |
So. Burlington | Adam Matth | 556-3670 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Welcome Center desk at City Hall ,180 Market Street anytime between 8 AM – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday, now through May 3rd. Max of 4 bags per household. Please only take what you will fill. Please return unused bags at the time of trash drop-off. New Drop Off Site May 4 – 577 Dorset Street ( School District Office Parking Lot) FROM 9 – 1:00 PM Only – No Late Drop Offs THERE IS NO ROADSIDE PICKUP. Abandoned roadside tires will be accepted. This year, participants will determine their own locations to collect trash. When dropping off the bags, we would like to keep track of what road you picked up on and how many bags you filled. |
St. George | Mary Alice Favro | 578-5328 | | Details All volunteers should come to Town Hall around 8:30am on Green Up Day to pick up bags, say where they are going to work and have refreshments! If you want bags before Green Up Day, stop by the Town Hall to pick them up and sign up for where you will be cleaning. All full bags will be picked up by 11:30am on Green Up Day. |
Underhill | Karen McKnight Brad Holden | 899-4185 899-4434 Ext 7 | | Details Bags are available at Wells Corner Market, Jacob’s Family Market, and the Underhill Town Hall (outside). Full Green Up bags may be dropped off at the Town Garage at 75 New Road on Saturday May 4 between the hours of 9AM-2PM Bags must be dropped off. They will not be picked up roadside. |
Westford | Mark Peloquin | 233-6417 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring full bags to the town dumpster. |
Williston | Andrew Plumb | 878-6704 ext 1 | | Details Bags and route sign up will be available 24/7 the week or two before Green Up Day outside the Town Hall Annex, 7878 Williston Road. Bags available on Green Up Day from 8-12pm at Town Fair on the Village Green, 40 Central School Drive. |
Winooski | Winooski Community Services | 655-1392 | | Details Drop by the Winooski Senior Center (123 Barlow St.) from 8:30 – 2:00 to pick up bags, gloves, and safety info. City staff will help you find an area of need if you don’t already have one picked out. Please leave your filled bags near a bag drop off sign or on the side of the road where they are easily visible. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Bloomfield | Vickie Lucius | 962-5191 | | Details Green Up bags available at Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to Jeffer’s Gravel Pit, across from the State shed. |
Brunswick | Sharon Graham | 962-5514 | | |
Brighton & Island Pond | Judy Valente Bruce Rumball | 370-1624 487-5929 | | Details We will be meeting at our park pavilion at 9 am on greenup day. Bags can also be picked up then. Full bags can be dropped off at the recycling center or by the dumpster behind the town hall. The bags can also be left along the town roads. |
Canaan | Zach Brown | 266-3370 or 603-331-3986 | | Details Pick up bags at the Town Office and to ask Zach where to drop off full bags. The number to the Town Office is 802-266-3370. My cell number is 603-331-3986, in case you need to reach me during non-business hours. |
Concord | Susan LaMadeleine | 695-2910 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
East Haven | Kerri Fillion | 467-3772 | | Details Meet at the Community Building at 10am for Green Up bags and routes. Lunch will be provided for all volunteers. Leave full bags on roadsides or bring to the Community Building, next to the Recycling Center in East Haven. |
Granby | Reg & Deb Bunnell | 328-2191 | | Details Meet at the Bunnell’s at 9am. Hot dogs, chips, and cookies will be at the town hall at Noon for volunteers. |
Guildhall | George Blakeslee | 676-3797 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags back to town office. |
Lemington | Beth Ellingwood Town Office | 277-4814 | | |
Lunenberg | Town Office | 892-5959 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the town office. Bring full bags to Transfer Station or leave on roadsides. |
Maidstone | Lisa Plourde Amy Pear | 676-3210 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Leave full bags along Route 102 or roadside along Lake Maidstone. |
Norton | Gina Vigneault Betsy Fontaine | 822-9935 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Office. Bring full bags to the Recycling Center, 249 VT Route 114 South. Please do not leave on roadsides. |
Victory | Slyvia McKinstry | 328-3520 | | Details Green Up bags are available ahead of time by calling the coordinator or Town Clerk. Breakfast and lunch always provided. |
United Towns & Gores | Gina Vigneault Bobbi Magoon | 723-5900 | | Details Coordinating the towns of Averill, Avery’s Gore, Lewis, Ferdinand, Warren Gore, Warner’s Grant. Green Up bags will be available at the UTG Office. Bring full bags to UTG Office. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Bakersfield | Melissa Dion | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Full bags can be left on State Highway 108, do not leave on other roadsides. Consolidate bags in the village at the town park. | |
Berkshire | Emily Fecteau | 933-2335 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Town Garage or leave along roadsides. |
Enosburg | Enosburg Town Office | 933-4421 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Contact the town office to find out what to do with the full bags after. |
Fairfax | Danielle Rothy | 849-6111 x20 | | Details Bags can be picked up from 12 Buck Hollow Road (the Fairfax Town Offices) both before, and on Green Up Day. We will have refreshments available there from 8AM to 1PM on May 7th as well. Full bags CAN be left roadside for pickup on Town or State roads (not private roads). Alternatively, folks can leave bags at the Fairfax Highway Department at 317 Fletcher Road, Fairfax. |
Fairfield | Linda Hodet | 827-3261 x1 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the dumpster at the Town Garage. |
Fletcher | David Clark | 849-2260 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office. Contact the town office to find out what to do with the full bags after. |
Franklin | Lisa Larivee, Jordan Bushey | 285-2101 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at Town Clerk’s office or at school. Bring full bags to Franklin Fire Station or leave bags at major intersections with State Highways. Roadside litter only, please no household trash or tires! |
Georgia | Suzanna Brown Georgia Conservation Commission | 524-3524 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Hall, Library, Georgia Market. We encourage volunteers to bring bags to Northwest Solid Waste District at 158 Morse Dr., off Skunk Hill Rd. near Exit 18. The town will be able to pick up roadside bags but please consider completing your volunteer effort if at all possible by bringing bags to NWSWD. |
Highgate | Wendi Dusablon | 868-5002 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office or from coordinator. Full bags can be left along roadsides or brought back to the town office. |
Montgomery | Parma Jewett | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Office. Refreshments provided on Green Up Day, enter raffle for prizes. The Elementary School organizes a separate clean up. Contact Parma to find out what to do with the full bags after. | |
Richford | Jeff Shencavitz | | Details Bags will be available at the Town Hall outside by the front door, from April 15th to May 4th. All bags can be left by the road sides for the Town crew to pick up. If individuals are doing certain areas please notify Jeff via email so we do not duplicate efforts. | |
Sheldon | Kim Dufresne | 933-2524 | | Details Green up bags available at the Town Clerks Office. Bring full bags to the Town Garage. |
St. Albans City | Tim Smith | 524-2194 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Houghton Park, Taylor Park, Franklin County Senior Center on Messenger St., Barlow St. Playground, and St. Albans City Elementary School. Leave full bags at intersections for pick up. All participants will receive a coupon for free ice cream. |
St. Albans Town | John Montagne | 782-0996 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office, and on Green Up Day at SATEC and St. Albans Bay Park. Leave full bags at intersections for pick up. Free ice cream for volunteers at Taylor Park (or across the street in St. Paul’s Church in case of rain) at noon. |
St. Albans | Haddad Subaru 431 Swanton Rd Steve Dinco | 238-0522 | | Details Pick up and drop off Green Up Bags. |
Swanton | Hank Lambert | 318-3924 | | Details Green plastic Green Up bags are available at the Town Clerk’s office during normal business hours. Bags will also be available on Green Up Day, May 4, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the aVillage office entrance. Please indicate what road or street you will be cleaning. On Green Up Day, drop filled and closed bags in the municipal dump truck parked in the Village parking lot, OR, leave filled bags on roadside shoulders for pick up later by municipal crews. Bring drinking water. Be safe! |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Alburgh | Donna L. Bohannon | 796-3468 | | Details Green Up Bags can be picked up at the Town Clerk’s office or the Transfer Station the week before. Event runs from 8am to 2pm. Registration begins at 8am. Kids Scavenger Hunt registration begins at 8am and ends at noon. Winners will be announced at 1:30. BBQ starts at Noon and runs till 2pm. It will consist of hamburgers, hotdogs, pasta salad, chips, water, and ice cream cones. There will be give a ways for both kids and adults. There will be a craft table for all the kids that have participated. They will have a choice of making a butterfly box or a bird house. The first 50 people that registers will have the choice of either a sugar maple or flowering tree (only 10 available) seedling. “ALBURGH BUCKS” for every Green Up bag that you bring to either the Town Office or the Transfer Station, you will receive a coupon, “ALBURGH BUCKS”, worth a dollar to be used at the Transfer Station for a $1 off your garbage. Hope you see you there! |
Grand Isle | Town Office | 372-8830 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Office and Transfer Station prior to Green Up Day. On GUD go to Donaldson Park beginning at 8am. Leave full bags on roadsides or bring to the town truck on site. Let’s Go Green! |
Isle La Motte | Alex Montange | 831-212-9481 | | Details Meet at Isle La Motte Town Office on School Street at 8:30am for road assignments, bags, gloves, safety vests, water and pick up sticks. Full bags and other trash can be left on roadsides. Lunch served at 11:30 am at the Isle La Motte Town office on School Street. |
North Hero | North Hero Recreation Committee Berney and John Skutel | 370-1760 | | Details Choose a section of roadside to Green Up. Let Patricia Helsingius know which area you have chosen or if you have questions. Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Office, Hero’s Welcome Store or Harborside Market. Leave the full bags on the side of town roads and at intersections along RT. 2. Bags will be picked up by volunteers on Sunday, May 7. Be safe! |
South Hero | South Hero Conservation Commission – Cristin Pullis | 860-944-8183 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at South Hero/Worthern Library. Sign up for your street or one of our group volunteer activities. Full bags, recycling and debris can be left on roadsides. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Belvidere | Paul Nowell Cathy Mander-Adams | 644-6621 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Cambridge | Justin Marsh Jayne Lukens | 730-2383 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at Town Offices, Cambridge Village Market, Hanley’s, and The Farm Store beginning the Thursday before GUD. Leave full bags at closest intersection town road to be picked up by road crew. |
Eden | Anita Gagner Melissa Whitcomb | 635-2528 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Leave bags along roadsides. |
Elmore | Michel Lacasse, Road Commissioner | 888-5485 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Elmore Store. Bring full bags to Town Garage, 8am to 4pm, on Green Up Day. |
Hyde Park | Dawn Archbold | 888-2426 | | Details Green Up bags will be available the week prior at Town Office and also in the outside hallway on Green Up Day. Leave full bags along town road for pick up. |
Johnson | Shayne Spence | 585-8591 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Office leading up to Green Up Day. Bags are available at the Town Green from 8am-2pm on Green Up Day. Bring full bags back to the Town Green and try for one of the nifty raffle items. Enjoy cookies, ice cream, coffee, live music and celebrate our community. |
Morristown | Brent Tellion | 888-4086 | | Details Green Up Day is sponsored by the Morristown Conservation Commission. Morristown residents can pick up green bags and sign up for road assignments at the town offices starting on April 19th at noon. The Town offices are open Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 4;00 PM. Friday 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Call Brent at 888-4086 for other arrangements. On Green Up Day, May 4th at 7:00AM we will set up an outside Green Up Day Headquarters at Ox Bow Park located at the end of Portland Street just passed R.K. Miles lumber. Green Up Bags and the road assignment map will be available from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM to assist new volunteer and answer Questions. Bottled water will be available. There will be a large dumpster at the site to hold all Green up Day trash. (Green Up Day bags and other roadside trash only. No home trash will be accepted.} Residents of Morristown can drop unwanted tires at the Green Up Day Dumpster site for $6.00 to $8.00 per tire depending on the tire size. Any unusual discoveries of trash, needles or dangerous items should be left roadside and reported to Green Up Headquarters. Inquiries can be made to Brent at 802-793-4950 at any time before and including Green UP Day. Bags containing roadside trash and other trash i.e. tires, TV”s, mattress etc. can be left along the untraveled portion of the road and the town crew will pick up on Monday or they can be brought to the dumpster. Sharing the site with Green Up will be Peoples Academy Soccer fund raising bottle drive. Returnable and recyclable bottles will be accepted. |
Stowe | Piper Van Kerkhove | 253-6141 | | Details Meet at The Alchemist starting at 8am on Green Up Day for bags and refreshments. Full bags must be brought back to the Alchemist by 1pm. You must notify either the Conservation Commission or the Highway Department about larger items. |
Waterville | Town Office | 644-8865 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Wolcott | Michelle Cortes-Harkins | 401-441-3735 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office, the Library and Transfer Station. Bring full bags to Transfer Station Sat. or Sun., or leave well-secured bags in a visible area along the roadside. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Bradford | Barbara Kulzych | 222-5123 | | Details Green Up bags will be available one week prior to Green Up Day at Bradford Academy. Bring full bags to the container located at the Bradford Town Garage. Please place all Green Up bags in the container. |
Braintree | Jackson Evans | 728-6170 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s Office, Town Hall, Braintree School, and Snowsville Store. Bring bags to the dumpster at the Town Garage. |
Brookfield | Starr Strong | | Details Young families, please circle the first Saturday in May in green ink on your calendars and come out and Green Up! Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s office or the school. Bring full bags to the Town Garage. | |
Chelsea | Tim Courts | 685-4866 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at area stores, Green Up your road, leave on roadsides or drop off full bags at transfer station. Contact Tim for details. |
Corinth | Anne McKinsey | 439-6472 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Offices, Blake Memorial Library, and on the weekend before Green Up Day we will distribute bags at the Transfer Station. Remember to sign up on the Town of Corinth sign-up map during Town Meeting! The map will stay up at the Town Offices from Town Meeting Day until Green Up Day. |
Fairlee | Peter Berger | 333-9223 | | Details Bags and route sign-ups available beginning April 23 at the town clerk’s office. Meet at 10 a.m. on May 4 at Town Hall. Bags can be dropped off at Town Hall beginning April 30 and from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on May 4. Call Peter Berger at 802-333-9223 for more information. |
Newbury | Hannah Narowski | 439-5241 | | Details Pick up your Green Up bags at the Newbury Town Office, the Newbury Store, and in the alcove of our sugarhouse at 1911 Bowen Rd. If none of these spots are convenient for you, please contact me. On Green Up Day: May 1 from 9-2 we will have 2 dumpsters on the Newbury Green next to the gazebo along Pulaski St. for your roadside trash. Please observe the state guidelines of wearing a mask and social distancing when bringing in your bags. Thanks for helping to keep Newbury beautiful! |
Orange | Angela Eastman | 479-2673 | | Details Green Up bags can be picked up at Town Clerk’s office. BBQ for volunteers at 12:30pm. Please leave full bags along roadsides or bring them to the Town Garage at 144 Richardson Rd. from 8am-12pm. |
Randolph | Stephen Wright (Roadside litter only please!) Adolfo Bailon | 728-4375 728-5433 x20 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Hall and local stores prior to Green Up Day. On Green Up Day at the Town Hall from 9am-12pm. Tie up full bags and leave on roadsides for Monday pick up by road crew. Please use Green Up bags for roadside trash only. |
Strafford | Becky Bailey | 765-4703 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office or at Coburns General Store. Bring full bags to the South Strafford Park N Ride 9-12 on Green Up Day. Popsicle coupon for each child who brings in a bag. |
Thetford | Jim McCracken | 785-2925 | | Details Green Up Day Bags and Safety Vests should be available after April 22th outside the Town Clerk’s Office, and at the Transfer station Bring all roadside trash in bags to the Town Shed in Thetford Center between 8 am – 4 pm on Green Up Day, May 4th. Please no household trash. Clean recyclables can be separated and brought to the recycling center if you would like to go through an additional step. From 8 am – noon, Thetford Conservation Commision volunteers will be there to help and offer you some treats to thank you for your help in Greening Up Thetford. |
Topsham | David Elias | 439-6503 | | Details Volunteer sign up sheet available at Town Meeting or email me to sign up. Green Up bags will be available prior to Green Up Day. All full bags must be taken to the Transfer Station on Green Up Day only, 7:30am to 12:30pm. |
Tunbridge | Eliza Minnucci Mariah Colley | | Details Bags available at the Tunbridge Public Library. Bring bags to the transfer station Wednesdays 4pm-7pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm May 1-May 11 free of charge. | |
Vershire | Kelly Bushey Eleanor Zue | 685-0055 685-3182 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags on roadsides. |
Washington | John Tilton Lois Deberville | 883-2355 883-2218 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office, Robert’s Country Store, or the Library. Full bags can be brought to Fire Station 8:30am to noon on Green Up Day. No household trash please! |
West Fairlee | Peggy Willey | 333-4155 | ||
Williamstown | Barbara Graham | | Details Two weeks prior to, and up to, Green Up Day, volunteers can pick up bags at the Town Clerk’s office. On Saturday, Green Up Day bags will be on the stoop at the Town Clerk’s office. Please write down your road and number of bags you take when at the Town Clerk’s office, so we can keep track. Leave filled bags along the roadsides for the road crew to pick up. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Albany | Town Clerk’s Office – Tonya Coderre | 755-6100 | | Details Bags available at the transfer station, post office and town office for the public to pick up. There will be a dumpster available on May 4th for Green Up Day, green trash bags only and the transfer station will be open from 8:30 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. The dumpster will be placed beside the gate after 1:00 P.M. for green trash bags only. |
Barton | Ozzie and Judy Henchel Aja Emerson | 525-3944 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides or bring to dumpster at Town Garage on Route 5. |
Brownington | Daphne Varekamp | 754-8401 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office. Drop off full bags at town office 8am-4pm on Green Up Day or leave along roadsides. |
Charleston | Colleen Kellogg | 895-2814 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at Scampy’s Deli, Post Offices, and Town Clerk’s Office. Bags are outside the office for after hours pickup. There will be a truck at the Town Office for drop off of full bags on Sat. & Sun. No tires. DO NOT leave bags on roadsides. |
Coventry | Martha Sylvester Scott Briere | 754-2266 754-2266 | | Details Green Up bags will be available for pick up at Coventry Village School til the Friday before, as well as the Coventry Community Center through the afternoon of Green Up Day. Full bags need to be tied up but can be left along the roadside or brought to the Coventry Landfill. |
Craftsbury | Suzanne Griffith | 586-2823 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Town Garage. |
Derby | Town Office | 766-4906 | | Details Green up bags will be available at Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Glover | Richard Epinette Town Office | 525-5550 525-6227 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Clerk, Currier’s Market, Parker Pie or Recycling Center. Bring full bags to Town Garage or if leaving bags on roadsides contact Richard for pick up. |
Greensboro | Kim Greaves | 533-2911 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Recycling Center behind Town Hall. |
Holland | Mitch Wonson John Castle | 895-4928 349-2415 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Holland School. |
Irasburg | Danielle Ingalls | 754-2242 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s office. Large items can be left on the side of the roads for easy pick-up by the Road Crew. Green Up bags can be left by the Town Garage, where there will be a Town Truck parked to put the bags in or beside. |
Jay | Sally Rivard Molly Doctor | 318-1206 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the following places during regular office hours during the last week of April through May 4: Jay Town Clerk’s Office – Mon,Tues,Thurs 7 am – 4 pm, Weds 7 am – Noon and on front porch of Jay Town Clerk’s Office Troy Town Clerk’s Office: Jay/Troy Recycling – Fri 1 – 4 pm, Sat 9 am – noon Pick up bags and Green Up at your leisure. Please use separate bags for trash, returnables and recyclables. Drop returnables into the Bottle Hut – in clear bags Bring recyclables to Jay/Troy Recycling – in clear bags Please bring Green-Up trash bags to the dumpster at Jay Town Hall. Dumpster will be available on Saturday, May 4. Thank you for helping us to keep Jay and Troy Forever Green!!!! |
Lowell | Priscilla Matten | 461-3787 | | Details Bags are available at the Town Clerk’s Office and the School. Bring bags to dumpster at Town Clerk’s Office Wed or leave on roadsides through the following Wednesday after GU Day. |
Morgan | Tammy LaCourse | 895-4746 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Morgan Country Store. Bring bags to the dump or contact Tammy if you can’t get there. |
Newport City | Parks & Rec Office, Mike Brown | 334-6345 | | Details Bags will be available for pick-up in the Newport Municipal Building entryway between Wednesday 4/21 – Sunday 5/7 (until supplies last). Please only take as many bags as you are sure you will fill. Return full bags and collected items to Gardner Memorial Park, next to Skate Shack building when finished Greening-up. Look for signs and a dumpster. Families are encouraged to cover non-roadside clean up areas like Gardner, Prouty and Pomerleau parks, bike paths and waterfront boardwalk area to keep children safe. For more infor visit: |
Newport Town | Denise Daigle | 334-6442 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the town clerk’s office or at our recycling center. Bring full bags to the town garage and leave by the dumpster or leave on the sides of the roads. On Monday our amazing road crew will go around and pick up the bags. |
Troy | Terri Medley | 988-2663 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the following places during regular office hours during the last week of April through May 4: Jay Town Clerk’s Office – Mon,Tues,Thurs 7 am – 4 pm, Weds 7 am – Noon and on front porch of Jay Town Clerk’s Office Troy Town Clerk’s Office: Jay/Troy Recycling – Fri 1 – 4 pm, Sat 9 am – noon Pick up bags and Green Up at your leisure. Please use separate bags for trash, returnables and recyclables. Drop returnables into the Bottle Hut – in clear bags Bring recyclables to Jay/Troy Recycling – in clear bags Please bring Green-Up trash bags to the dumpster at Jay Town Hall. Dumpster will be available on Saturday, May 4. Thank you for helping us to keep Jay and Troy Forever Green!!!! |
Westfield | Yves Diagle LaDonna Dunn | 744-2484 | | Details Stop by the Westfield Recycling Center, 757 VT Route 100, to pick up and drop off your Green Up bags. Hours: Saturdays 8am to 12pm. |
Westmore | Elaine Cashin | 525-3007 | | Details Bags will be available at the Town Office prior to May 4 and available at the Community Center 9-12 on GU Day. We will have a truck parked in the Municipal Office parking lot from 8 AM to 1:30 on Saturday for people to bring their bags. We will also have a pick-up on Monday if a participant wants to leave the bag on the side of the road. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Benson | Heidi Chandler | 537-2611 | | Details Bags available at the store, town office and transfer station. Leave bags along roadside and the town crew will pick them up. |
Brandon | James Leary | 247-9595 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Gazebo. Bring full bags to transfer station or leave on roadsides. |
Castleton | Liz MacKay | 273-3472 | | Details Bags, snacks, drinks and information for those greening up will be available on Green Up Day, May 4 (rain date will be May 5) in front of the Castleton Free Library starting at 9 AM and continuing until 3 PM. Prior to Green Up Day (beginning on April 14) bags will be available at the Castleton Town Offices, at the Castleton Transfer Station, in the Castleton Free Library and inside the Castleton Village Store. Please leave your filled bags by the side of any public road during the weekend of or prior to Green Up Day. They will be picked up on all public roads on the morning of Monday, May 9. DO NOT bring any bags or items to the Transfer Station. Green Up Day items and bags will not be accepted at the Transfer Station at any time. If possible, please let me know the road that you will be greening up so I may keep track of what roads are being done. (You may also just look for roads without green bags on them and you will know that they still need to be greened up.) For those who may prefer to green up with others, please meet in front of the library at 9:30 AM or 3:00 PM on May 7 (rain date will be May 8) to be able to go out and green up with others. Contact: Liz MacKay 802-273-3472 |
Chittenden | Sara DeCubellis | 779-7450 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Church of the Wildwood from 8-11:30am. Leave full bags along roadsides for pick up. |
Clarendon | Katie Nop | 775-4274 | | Details Bags available in the Town Office throughout the weeks leading up to Green Up day. The weekend of Green Up day they are left on the Town Hall porch for residents to pick up. We will have a dumpster located at the Town Garage designated for Green Up day waste. Leave full bags along roadsides for pick up or bring to the dumpster behind Town Hall. |
Danby | Andrea Myklebust Terry Parker | 293-2300 389-0084 | | Details Green up bags will be available at Smokey House Farm Stand the week prior to and on Green Up Day. Leave full bags along roadsides for pick up. |
Fair Haven | Bonnie Rosati | 683-6540 | | Details Green Up bags are distributed on Green Up Day at the north end of of the Town Green from 8am-12pm. Full bags can be left along the roadsides or returned to the Town Green. |
Hubbardton | Janet Morey Dawn Custer, Town Clerk | 273-2950 273-2951 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Clerk’s office and Town Garage. Drop off at Town Hall on Monument Hill or leave on roadsides. All bags will be picked up Monday AM by the Hubbardton Highway Department. |
Ira | Cacky Ayer-Duffner Mary Ann Black | 235-2345 235-2446 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
Killington | Deb and Bob Burke | 422-3623 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the River Road Transfer Station. BBQ for volunteers at the Killngton Road Firehouse. |
Mendon | Nancy Gondella | 775-1662 | | Details Green up bags will be available at the Town Office. Full bags can be left on the roadsides of any town highway. We welcome early participation the week before, as well as an ongoing effort throughout the year. If you see a problem area in Mendon that you want to clean up, contact the town office for assistance. |
Middletown Springs | Elizabeth Cooper, Conservation Commission Steve Harrington | 235-1406 | | Details Pick up bags and choose route at the corner of Church Green 8-12 on GU Day or ahead of time at the Town Office or Library. May call Coordinator ahead to choose your route. Drop off full bags at the Transfer Station. |
Mount Holly | Marianne McGee | | Details There is a Facebook page to get up to date information and be sure to like the page. Mt Holly Facebook page Because of the rules around safety this year with regards to Covid I’m trying a google sheet for road sign ups. The link is on the Facebook page and HERE If you access it with a mobile device, open in browser, click pencil in right hand corner to edit. Please put down how many people will clean up with you and estimate the number of bags you expect to use. Green Up bags will be available the week of Green Up at school and in front of the General Store. No one in the school or at the store has any information on Green Up so please call me with any questions. Thank you all for participating and we will celebrate later when we can. | |
Mount Tabor | Town Office | 293-5282 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Transfer Station on Tues. 3-5pm and Sat. 9am-2pm. |
Pawlet | DeAnna Mach | | Details Green Up bags are distributed through Mettawee School and the Town Clerk’s office, with extra bags left on the Town Clerk’s porch on Green Up Day. Leave full bags at intersections or bring to the Town Shed. Bags will be collected on Monday by Town Highway Dept. Visit for more info. | |
Pittsfield | Rebecca Steward Maggie Rice | 855-1651 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags starting at 8am at the Town Clerk’s office on Green Up Day. Drop off there when you are done. Refreshments provided. |
Pittsford | Liz Alvarado | 483-6500 x17 | | Details Green Up bags will be available at the Town Clerk’s office. Please bring full bags back to the Town Offices. |
Poultney | Sarah Pelkey | 287-4297 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Town Clerk’s office. Bring full bags to the Transfer Station. |
Proctor | Carrie Dougherty | 459-2837 | | Details We will leave a map and Green Up bags in the town gazebo and ask people to cross off the section of roads they are covering on Green Up Day. Town road crew will pick up full bags left on roadsides. |
Rutland | Oliver Subaru 176 Rte 7 So. Madison Carrig | 775-6900 | | Details Green Up bags available at Oliver Subaru. Refreshments provided for all volunteers! |
Rutland City | Desna Jenkins | 775-7209 x204 | | Details Bags will be available at the City Office on Green Up Day morning and by request. Drop bags off at Oliver Subaru. |
Rutland Town | Byron Hathaway | 773-8128 | | Details Green Up bags available on a table at our Transfer Station. Filled bags may be left beside the road for the highway crew to pick up. Residents should call and leave a message on my office answering machine 773-8128 and let me know what road they left their bags on. This saves time. |
Shrewsbury | Connie Youngstrom | 492-3502 | | Details 8am – Gather at the Town Hall. Pick up Green Up bags and get road assignments. 10am -12pm – Drop off full bags at the Transfer Station. We will also have small projects available for a family group or a couple socially distanced people to work on after road cleanup. This may include a gardening project at Town Hall, an invasive dig at Town Hall, a tree planting including our gift maple, sign clean-up, planting of boxes, and refurbish the stone foundation holding up the sign, etc. |
Sudbury | Larry Rowe | 623-6432 | | Details Bags available at the Town Office. Bring full bags to the Town Office on or before Green Up Day, where volunteers will sort them. |
Tinmouth | Doug Fontein Ed Hasenohr | 446-2928 446-2376 | | Details Tinmouth does a family-friendly Green Up event from 8:30 to 11:30 AM on the first Saturday in May. We serve coffee at the beginning and there is free ice cream and a gala awards ceremony at the conclusion. The event starts and finishes at the transfer station. Bring bags to the Transfer Station. Contact Doug Fontein (802) 446-2928 with questions. |
Wallingford | Wallingford Conservation Commission, Carol Macleod | 446-2658 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Wallingford Rotary from 9-11:30am. Drop full bags off at Transfer Station on Saturday until Noon. Transfer Station will accept bags if dropped off within one week of Green Up Day. |
Wells | Jerremy Jones Nora Sargent | 518-461-4679 802-645-0486 | | Details Meet at the Town Hall at 9am on Green Up Day for bags, coffee, and donuts provided. After pick up, come back to the Town Hall at Noon for hot dogs and drinks. Leave full bags along roadsides. |
West Haven | Linda Garrison | 265-4131 | | Details Call Linda for bags, then leave on the roadside for pick up or bring to the dump, free of charge. |
West Rutland | Stan Jagodzinski | 438-2263 | | Details Pick up Green Up bags at the Town Hall at 9am. Leave full bags along roadsides for town pick-up. Refreshments for volunteers at noon at the Town Hall. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Barre City | City Clerk | 802-476-0242 | | Details Green Up bags will be available for advance pickup April 14th – May 2nd at the Barre City Clerk’s Office Monday – Friday and at ReSOURCE Barre Monday – Saturday. Filled bags can be dropped off on May 3rd & 4th in a Green Up Day dumpster located in the Merchants Row parking lot behind City Hall. |
Barre Town | Johnny Crossley | 477-1382 | | Details Bags available at Town Office. Leave bags along roadsides. Raffle prizes for Green Up Day for volunteers. Free BBQ for Green Up Volunteers at Recreation Area Picnic Shelter 1pm – 3pm. |
Berlin | 802 Subaru 142 Berlin Mall Rd. Kevin Benway | 802-881-9800 | | Details Pick up bags early at 802 Subaru. Bags may be left along roadsides or put in the dumpster at our dealership. |
Berlin | Tom Badowski Rachel Giroux | 802-229-2529 | | Details Pick up bags early at Town Offices or at Elem. School library. Bags may be left along roadsides or put in the dumpster at the Town Offices. |
Cabot | John Cookson | 802-563-2284 | | Details Pick up bags at the Town Office and Hardware Store a week before Green Up Day and at the Fire Station on Green Up Day. Bring bags to the Cabot Fire Station between 9am and 2pm. Special arrangements can be made with coordinators for roadside pick up of bags. |
Calais | Jamie Moorby | | Details Bags available at town stores and Town Clerk’s Office. Drop off sites this year will be the Calais Depot, the Maple Corner Community Store, and the Adamant Coop. Our hours will be 9-1 at the Calais Depot, and 9-12:30 at the two stores. Do not leave on roadsides, they will NOT be picked up. | |
Duxbury | Jessica Engels | 802-244-7133 | | Details Bags available in black mailbox outside Town Clerk’s office or contact Jessica. Two filled bag drop-offs: Town garage and Turn off on River Rd, North Duxbury, in front of railroad gate. Contact: Jessica to sign up. |
East Montpelier | Chris Beling | 802-522-6690 | | Details Bags available at Town Office, Dudley’s Store, Bragg Farm, Morse Farm, East Montpelier Elementary School and Fox Market and Bar. Drop off bags 9-2 at East Montpelier Elementary School. |
Fayston | Patty Palsey | 802-825-1893 | | Details Green Up Day bags can be picked up at the Town Clerk’s Office, 866 N. Fayston Road. Bags will also be placed at some street intersections a few days prior to Green Up Day. Leave full bags on roadsides. Last bag pick up is Monday morning by the Fayston Road Crew. |
Marshfield | Drew McNaughton | 802-426-3018 | | Details Bags available at Town Office. Bring bags to the Town Garage on School Street from 8am until Noon. |
Middlesex | Jon Udis | 802-272-8842 | | Details Bags can be picked up at the Town Office and Rumney School. Folks can contact either Jon if they can’t get to either pick up location and they will drop off at the requested home. Do not leave bags on roadsides, please bring to the Town Garage on Molly Supple Road between 9:00 and 3:00. |
Montpelier | Carolyn Grodinsky | 802-223-9604 | | Details If you’d like to volunteer with Montpelier’s Green Up Day efforts, stop by the Green Up Day stations at the Capital City Farmers Market on Green Up Day between 9am and 1pm or on Langdon Street at the Bike Swap between 8am and 12pm. There, we will have Green Up Day bags and gloves for volunteers. You can also get bags ahead of time in the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall and sign up ahead of time using our Green up Day App. The Green Up Day App allows volunteers to see which areas have been claimed and which ones we still need help with in real time. To claim a stretch of road, park, or parking lot using the tool, click the small Green Up Day icon under the search bar, and then select a street, park, or parking lot. This will allow you to “adopt” the area. Volunteers can leave their full Green Up Day bags curbside within city limits. The crew from the Montpelier Department of Public Works will pick up the bags of litter after Green Up Day. |
Moretown | Mike Dimotsis | 802-496-2812 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Leave along roadsides for pick up. |
Northfield | Louisa Tripp Northfield Rotary | 802-371-9819 | | Details Road assignments and bags can be picked up before Green Up Day by contacting Northfield Rotary at or calling (802)371-9819. On Green Up Day pick up and drop off for bags will be behind the Firestation starting at 8AM . |
Plainfield | Maureen Lynch | 603-321-4191 | | Details Bags will be available from the porch of the Municipal Building in late April, or at the Recreation Field from 10am-noon on Green Up Day. Take filled Green Up bags to the trailer at the Town Garage from 10am-4pm on Green Up Day. |
Roxbury | Claire Chomentowski Kim Copeland | 802-485-7779 802-485-4935 | | Details Pick up bags at Claire’s house or Town Office, leave by roadside. Activities at Comm. Center all day, free picnic at church at noon. |
Waitsfield | Bri Skolberg | 802-829-0878 | | Details Please visit for details and to sign up! |
Warren | Warren Town Office | 802-496-2709 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s office and East Warren Market. Bag drop off at Earthwise Transfer Station, or the East Warren Market 9am-1pm on Green Up Day, along with a few other sites. |
Waterbury | Lisa Scagliotti | 802-373-5878 | | Details BAGS: Available at the town offices and Sunflower Market on Rt. 100. DROP OFF LOCATIONS: Town Garage on Guptil Road, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Also Rodney’s Fast Trash near the Ice Center, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. METAL: Rodney’s location will accept metal for free – metal found during Green Up and any scrap metal items for recycling. No propane tanks, please! Tires found doing Green Up are accepted free. Recycle personal car and pickup tires at Rodney’s location for $5 each; rims OK. REDEEMABLE bottles and cans: Please bag returnable 5- and 15-cent bottles and cans separately from trash wherever possible. Drop at the Town Garage site only. Household returnables accepted also. PLEASE Do not drop off household waste, hazardous waste, electronics or propane tanks. ONLINE: More details including an online signup on the Town of Waterbury website: |
Woodbury | Paul Council | 802-456-1452 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s office and will also be at Woodbury Post Office. Drop off at Woodbury Elementary 9am-1pm on Green Up Day. |
Worcester | Colleen Kutin | 802-472-5811 | | Details Get bags at dump week before and/or on Green Up Day. Pick an area you want to do or contact coordinator for areas that need attention. Leave bags on roadsides or bring to dump on Green Up Day. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Athens | Lynn Morgan | 802-869-2227 | | Details Any one interested in helping with Green Up in the town of Athens this year contact Lynn at 802-869-2227 or Once your name is on the list, you will be assigned a town route. The week before Green Up you will receive your Green Up bags, procedural and safety information, and your route assignment. |
Brattleboro | Brattleboro Subaru 1234 Putney Rd John Sciacca | 802-376-6999 | | Details Green Up bags available at Brattleboro Subaru. Coffee and donuts 8-12. |
Brattleboro | Robin Rieske | 802-275-7232 | | Details Prior to GU Day bags available at Chamber of Comm, Brown and Roberts and Brooks Memorial Library. On GU Day at Brattleboro Co-op. Tables will be at the Turning Point Recovery Center on Elm and Flat Street, contact Justin at (802) 490-9525 (8-12), M&T Bank at 479 Canal St (8-12), Brattleboro Subaru (8-12). Coffee and Donuts at Brattleboro Subaru. Leave bags curbside/roadside. |
Brookline | Guy Tanza | 802-365-4648 | | Details Bags available at the Town Office 1 week prior to Green Up Day. Leave full bags along roadsides for pick up. |
Dover | Lori O’Hern | 802-464-5386 | | Details Meet at Dover School beginning at 9am for bags and route assignments. Instead of lunch this year, we’ll have donuts & refreshments when you pick up bags. Leave tied bags on roadsides for pickup by Town Road Crew on Monday morning. |
Dummerston | Mark Brown | 802-258-0832 | | Details Meet 9am Dummerston Center Church. Bring picnic lunch to eat on the Common. Drop bags off at the Common. |
Grafton | Grafton Improvement Association | | Details Bags can be picked up at the Town Office and then brought to the Town Garage where we have dumpster and ice cream for volunteers. | |
Guilford | Jaime Durham & Jethro Eaton | | Details Bags available at the Guilford Town Office, 8-5. Bring full bags to Town Office until 5. No tires accepted. | |
Halifax | Patricia Dow, Halifax Town Office Hope Phelan | 802-368-7390 802-368-2070 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s Office prior to Green Up Day, or 10am-12pm at the Halifax School on Green Up Day. Bring full bags back to the rear parking lot of the school. Refreshments served. |
Jamaica | Pat Meulemans Sara Wiswall | 802-297-9886 802-874-4681 | | Details Bags available at the Town Office and Transfer Station before and after Green Up Day. Bring bags to the Transfer Station from 8am to 4pm on Green Up Day. |
Londonderry | Rich Phelan | 802-289-7859 | | Details Pick up bags at M&T Bank, Clark’s IGA, Town Office, Transfer Station a week in advance. Drop off on day of event to town trucks at Mill Parking Area, South Londonderry Fire Station, or the Transfer Station. |
Marlboro | Julie Sweethill Marlboro Town Office Sarah Lavigne | 802-254-2181 | | Details Bags available at Town Office and Elementary School. Town map in glass case outside Town Office, highlight where you will Green Up. Leave bags along roadsides. |
Newfane | | Details Bags are available at the Town Office and the Newfane Market. Full bags should be left visible on the side of the road for pick up early Monday morning by the road crew. | ||
Putney | Johnathan Johnson | 802-387-5862 | | Details A Putney town truck will be parked at usual spot next to Town Hall through Monday morning. On Green Up Day beginning at 8am, bags will be available all day. Take only what you need. Put full bags in back of truck. |
Rockingham | Margo Ghia | 802-869-1214 | | Details Bags can be picked up in Bellows Falls at the Town Clerk’s Office, J&H Hardware, Lisai’s Market and the Rockingham Free Public Library. In Saxtons River, bags can be picked up at the Village Market. Official Green Up bags can be left tied up alongside Rockingham road sides or dropped off at the Recycling Center in the special dumpster provided for Green Up Day. |
Stratton | Candie Bernard | 802-896-6184 | | Details Green up bags are available for early pick up at the Stratton Town Office, Mon. – Thurs. from 9am to 3pm. On Green up day bags and refreshments will be available at the Stratton town hall from 9am until Noon. Please leave bags & large items with a green up bag attached on the roadside. |
Townshend | Heidi Russ | 802-365-7506 | | Details Bags available at Town Clerk’s office and Townshend Elementary School leading up to Green Up Day. On Green Up day bags will be available on the common, along with a cup of coffee and donut during the morning hours. Please bring your bags of trash to the Townshend dump for disposal. |
Vernon | Hannah Rosinski | 802-380-1513 | | Details Meet at Rec. Center Shelter @ 9am. Pick roads and go out. Refreshments and gloves provided. Come back for lunch at Noon. Leave bags along roadsides. |
Wardsboro | Colleen & Emma Sklar | 802-380-0556 | | Details Road assignments & bag pick-up from 8-12 at the Town Office. Coffee, donuts and other goodies tbd for volunteers. Volunteer Appreciation Gathering following at the Wardsboro Library with pizza & book giveaway from 12-2. “Green Up Day Challenge” sheets available at bag pick-up. Bring bags to the Wardsboro Transfer Station, do not leave on roadsides. |
West Brattleboro | Peggy Frehsee | 802-257-5593 | | Details Meet on the Green in front of Fire Station 9am. Refreshments 9am-12pm. Leave bags along roadsides and curbs. No tires or bulky waste. We discourage pick ups from rivers and streams. |
Westminster | Susan Harlow Kelley Thayer | 802-722-3373 802-722-4255 | | Details Bags available at Westminster West Library and Westminster Town Hall. Leave large items on roadsides with Green Up Bag attached for Monday pick up. |
Whitingham | Susie Hanna | | Details Meet at Town Hill Park at 9:00 a.m. Saturday, May 3rd to select an area to green up. 9:00-9:30 coffee and donuts. 11:30-1:00 Lion’s Club BBQ lunch. Email Susie for more information. | |
Wilmington | Kathy Larsen Anthony Martino | 802-464-2263 508-314-2885 | | Details Bags and route assignments will be available on Green Up Day at the entrance to Buzzy Towne Park on South Main St. from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. For route sign-up prior to May 3 or to suggest an area that needs clean up, please send an email with your name and route to Kathy Larsen at The week following Green Up Day, the town highway department will collect full bags which are left along the roadside. |
Windham | Ellen McDuffie | 802-874-4211 | | Details Pick up bags at Town Office week prior to Green Up Day or on Green Up Day at 9am at Town Office. Coffee and snacks for volunteers before Greening Up at the Town Office. Leave full bags along roadsides for town crew to pick up. |
Town | Coordinator | Phone | Details | |
Andover | Deb Moser | 802-875-5454 | | Details Bags can be picked up at the Andover Town Office prior to and on Green Up Day. Bags need to be dropped off at the Town Garage dumpster. |
Baltimore | Joan Whaley | 802-263-5680 | | Details Bags available at the Town Office. Please sign up letting us know how many people and what section of town you are Greening Up. Bags can be left at Town Office or along roadsides. Thank you for your support! |
Barnard | Amelia Lennon Rebecca Brettell | 802-888-3436 | | Details Bags at Barnard General Store after 8am. Bring full bags to recycling center or the dump trailer at the BGS. |
Bethel | Kelly Hill Allen Patton | 802-234-9340 802-234-9440 | | Details Town Truck will be parked in the Municipal Parking Lot from 8-12 to drop off bags, or can bring to the Transfer Station themselves. Green Up bags will be available at the Town Offices. |
Bridgewater | Greg Jenne | 802-672-3307, 802-369-0352 | | Details Pick up bags at the Town Clerk’s Office prior to Green Up Day or at 8am the day of. Leave bags along roadsides or bring to Fast Trash 8-11. |
Cavendish | Tim Calabrese Terry O’Brien | 802-226-7754 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring bags to the Transfer Station, do not leave on roadsides. |
Chester | Frank Kelley Carrie King | 802-289-1540 | | Details Green Up for Chester is organized by the Chester Conservation Committee. Bags available one week prior to Green Up Day at Town Hall, Chester Hardware or at Chester Elementary. Thanks for helping Green Up Chester! Contact Frank for more info. |
Hartford | Matt Osborn | 802-478-1118 | | Details Bags: Starting Monday, April 14th, Green Up bags are available at the Hartford Town Hall, 171 Bridge Street in the Planning Office (8-5 M-F) and the Quechee Library (1957 Quechee Main Street) Check library hours. Bags also will be available on Green Up Day between 8:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. at the Town Hall and Quechee Green. Sign up for a section of road and green-up when it’s convenient for you. Dumpsters: will be available at the following locations: Hartford Town Hall: Thursday, May 1st – Monday, May 5th. Quechee Green: Thursday, May 1st – Monday, May 5th. If you do green-up before May 3rd, please store your green-up trash at home. Drop-off of Green-Up trash at the Hartford Solid Waste Facility will not be available this year. E-mail or call Green-Up Day Coordinator Matt Osborn or 802 478-1118. |
Hartland | Ginny White Dean Greensberg | 802-436-2668 802-245-4944 | | Details Pick up bags beginning Monday, April 21, at the town clerk’s office and sign up for roads. Bags and sign-up sheets will also be available beginning at 8 a.m. on Green Up Day at the fire station. Filled trash bags should be returned to the fire station. Thank you! |
Ludlow | Nick Miele Brendan McNamara | 802-245-4944 802-228-2841 | | Details Volunteers meet at 8:30 at Ludlow Comm. Center in the morning for complimentary coffee and donuts. Green Up instructions and Routes given at 8:45. Noon BBQ for all volunteers. Let coordinator know what roadsides you will be leaving bags on or bring to the Transfer Station. |
White River Jct. | White River Subaru 429 Sykes Mountain Ave. Brian Moore | 802-308-7244 | | |
Norwich | Paul Albee | 802-649-1419 Town Office 802-649-1192 Trans. Station | | Details Pick up bags at Town Clerk’s Office or the transfer station. Bags will be picked up by Norwich Public Works along the roadsides. A roll-off is provided by Casella Waste at the Car Store in Norwich. Refreshments and t-shirts also available at the Car Store on Green Up Day. |
Plymouth | Plymouth Town Office | 802-672-3655 | | Details Bags available at the Town Office. Bring bags to the Transfer Station. |
Pomfret | Greg Greene Becky Fielder, Pomfret Town Office | 802-457-3861 | | Details Bags pickup and drop off at Town Garage on LaBounty Rd. from 8am to 2pm. No roadside pick up! Bring all materials to the Town Garage by Sunday afternoon. Household trash and tires will NOT be accepted. |
Reading | Marie Anderson | 802-484-3218 | | Details Bags can be picked up the week prior to Green Up Day at the Greenhouse, Town Hall and the General Store. Free coffee and donuts are offered at the Town Hall on Green Up Day where bags and assignments are given. Bring bags to the Weathersfield Transfer Station for free or leave at Town Hall parking lot prior to noon for pick up. |
Rochester | Nick Piccicuto Julie Smith, Town Treasurer & Clerk | 802-767-9868 or 802-379-6026 802-767-3631 | | Details Green Up bags available at the Rochester Town Office before Sat., May 3, and at the Rochester park lot on Green Up Day. Bring full Green Up bags to the park Saturday 8 AM – 2 PM, May 3rd. |
Royalton | Walter Hastings Stuart Levasseur | 802-356-5203, 802-291-2429 | | Details Bags available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Bring full bags to the large trucks parked at the Royalton Town Office parking lot. |
Sharon | Dick Ruben | 802-763-7909 | | Details Pick up bags outside the town office building through May 3. Stop by the Town Garage on Route 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Green Up Day to drop off trash and find out about roads that need attention. |
Springfield | Taylor Drinker Chamber of Commerce | 802-885-2779 | | Details Pick up bags beginning on April 25 at the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce office, or on May 3 from 8 a.m. to noon at the Springfield Food Co-op parking lot. Facebook: “Springfield’s Green Up Day 2025” for more information. |
Stockbridge | Janet Whitaker | 802-234-5167 | | Details Green Up Day runs 8am-12pm. Meet at Stockbridge Central School for bag pick up and road coordination. Arrangements are made at time of bag dispensing on whether the bags will be roadside pick up or bought to the school. |
Weathersfield | Steve Aikenhead | 802-263-5439 | | Details Neighbor Green Up Association meets at the Dan Foster House 9-12 on Green Up Day. The past two years we failed to clean only two roads. Can we do even better? I hope we do! Contact me to join. Leave bags along roadsides, or bring to the Dan Foster House or take to the dump. |
West Windsor | Allessandro Iuppa, WW Sustainability Com. | | Details Bags will be available at Town Hall on the Green Up Day (May 3, 2025) or by request at Bags can be dropped off at the Weathersfield Transfer Station at 5024 VT-106, Perkinsville, VT 05151 Questions – | |
Weston | Peter Areson | 802-856-7671 | | Details Bags and sticks are available from the town office or from Peter. Filled bags may be left at the transfer station in Londonderry, or left in the town truck next to the green in Weston. |
Windsor | Kelsey O’Connor Tom Pryzby | 802-738-0385 | | Details On Green Up Day stop by the Windsor fire station beginning at 8 a.m. to pick up bags and sign up for a route. Free community hotdog cookout, noon to 1 p.m. Filled bags can be dropped off at the municipal building before 1 p.m. or left in a visible area by the roadside. Email for more information or to sign up for a route before Green Up Day. |
Woodstock | Belinda Needham-Shropshire | 802-356-2056 | | Details On Green Up Day meet at Town Hall, 31 the Green, beginning at 8 a.m. to collect trash bags and street assignments, or do collection on your own. Bring all items collected — including tires, bottles, cans or other roadside trash — to public works department. Supported by Rotary Club of Woodstock. 802-356-2056. |